Omaha Rainbow : Issue 5
Let's kick off by trying to find out what has happened to the new album. I believe it actually was given a January release date in the States, but was then put back until March/April. All very frustrating. I have spoken to RCA here in London, and they don't anticipate a simultaneous release date, so it looks as if we shall , have to look to the import shops to supply our needs immediately.
When I rang RCA they seemed to think it was called ''Fallen Angels" but as there is a song on the album called "Wingless Angels'', I will stick by that.
One of the songs I mentioned in OR4, "Survivors", will be on the album. In fact, Arnie Moore wrote to tell me that, ''...joining John on ''Survivors'' is John Denver and a large children's chorus. It has got a repeating chorus at the end, and at the very end JD lets his voice soar. You'll love it." S ome other titles are "Summer Child" (a sort of Tennessee Williams narrative); ''Rosewater'', ''Rodeo Mary'', ''Big Horse'' (the song John sang at the very end of his Roundhouse performance); "Ride Stone Blind"; "Hung on the Heart", ''Some Kind of Love" and ''Mazatlan''.
When Arnie wrote, he did ask me to make one thing clear. "One statement of mine should be quelled, however. The statement I made about John being able to afford to take a band on the road I understand is being quoted in other places. What I shou1d have said (and I hope you will spread this around) is that now John can take the people he wants to on the road. I hope you can help straighten it out, because some people over here became disconcerted when they read that. I dont want people to think John ", is a pauper.
OK I hope that sorts that one out. By the way, thank you to the people who took time out to write to Arnie following the interview in OR4. They have all been sent on to him, and will, I know, be greatly appreciated.
There is now an American Omaha Rainbow. That title is being
used for the official John Stewart Newsletter, which is being
edited by Ethel Hopley (who I mentioned last tirne as being an invaluable
source of information) and her friend, Roxanne Fitzgerald. Ethel
sent rne the first copy of the Newsletter, and I'll quote one or two bits
from it. "...there will be a newsletter every two months, containing
a cornplete and accurate itinerary, as well as articles of interest about
John. If you would like to receive future issues please send a cheque
or money order payable to Omaha Rainbow to Ethel Hopley and Roxanne Fitzgerald,
PO Box 7509, Van Nuys, California 9I409, United States of America.
If you send 5 dollars, or 2 pounds, that should keep the Newsletter coming
for a little while. I'm not sure how many issues you will get for
that, but can promise that you won't lose out on the deal.
Now for The Phoenix Concerts' Songbook. The people to write to are Cimino Publications, I646 New Highway, Farmingdale, Long Island, New York II735, United States of America. The American price is 3.95 dollars, so allow a reasonable additional amount if you want it sent to you Air Mail.
One other thing Ethel sent me is the ''flyer'' for the concert John did at UCLA on rny birthday (that would have been a helluva party, but I didn't get an invitation !) which is reproduced on the back cover of this issue of OR. She said the concert was, "...really great. Royce Hall is a large auditoriurn, and it was packed even at those prices."
Shortly after this John and Buffy went on vacation in Puerto Vallarta, returning for a number of bookings in Colorado in January and back in Los Angeles in February.
Meanwhile, all of us over here wait with ill-concealed impatience for John to return to England for a concert tour. I've heard a number of rumours, but so far nothing that has been substantiated. More and rnore people are getting to hear about John and listen to his music, and one person who is certainly doing his bit to spread the gospel is Mike Flood Page of 'Sounds'.
The Christrnas edition of that paper carried Mike's fine review of "California Bloodlines''. As it was re-released by Capitol with absolutely no publicity at all I can't think it will have sold a lot more copies. Still, it has enabled us all to go out and buy a brand new copy to supplernent the original worn out one. It's a pity that Capitol have not been persuaded to re-release "Signals Through the Glass''. I rnust have had over a hundred people write to ask me where they could possibly get a copy. I wish I knew. I haven't got one myself! However, there are attempts being made in America to get a special release on cassette or open reel tape. If that does happen, we will definitely arrange something through OR. Incidentally, John's original recording of "July, You're a Woman" was on that album as was the first recording of a song that appeared on "Concerts", ''Cody".
One of the records that John Tobler played me on New Year's Day was Jonathan King Singing (wait for it !) "Mother Country". Really! Someone else who has recorded that is Bonnie Koloc on her album, "You're Gonna Love Yourself in the Morning", which I rnust confess I have yet to hear.
I'm sure I had lots more to write in this column but, as always happens,
I've got a mental blockage at the crucial moment, so I'll leave you with
this cutting from The Guardian's sports pages of 6 November I974.