American JorneyJohn Stewart : American Journey (1996 LaserLight; 55 590) (CD)

This is a 3 CD boxed set consisting of the following :-

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The Last CampaignThe Last Campaign (1996 LaserLight; 12696) (CD)

Re issue of original album.

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The Trio YearsThe Trio Years (1996 LaserLight; 12697) (CD)

Re issue of original album.

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American Folk Song AnthologyAn American Folk Song Anthology (1996 LaserLight; 12698) (CD)
Old Riley/Pick a Bale o' Cotton/Sail Away Ladies, Pretty Peggy-O, Rider, The Streets of Laredo, John Hardy, Take Her Out of Pity, Corrina Corrina, Bay of Mexico, East Virginia, Molly Malone, Paddy Works on the Railway, Ain't No More Cane on the Brazos

Musicians John  Stewart - All instruments


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